Force Majeure is a 2014 Swedish comedy-drama film that was directed by Ruben Östlund. The film follows a Swedish family who go on a ski vacation in the French Alps. During their trip, the family experiences a near-disaster when an avalanche threatens their lives. The head of the family, Tomas, makes a sudden decision that shocks everyone and leads to a series of events that test the family's dynamics and relationships.
The film is known for its exploration of societal norms, masculinity, and relationships in the wake of a crisis. It delves into the complex and sometimes humorous consequences that arise when a person's true character is revealed during a traumatic event. The film also touches upon themes such as the role of fathers in a family and the pressure placed on men to always be strong and in control.
Force Majeure was well-received by critics and audiences alike, earning praise for its sharp writing, cinematography, and performances. The film was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, and it won several awards and accolades, including the Guldbagge Award for Best Film.
Overall, Force Majeure is a thought-provoking and entertaining examination of the human condition, and it's a must-watch for fans of contemporary art-house cinema.
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