HYPSEUSHexagram 22 - GraceΥΨΕΝΣ

A curated selection of sublime works

The Mirror

The Mirror

Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1975

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The Mirror is a 1975 film by acclaimed Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. The movie is a poetic and deeply personal exploration of memory, history, and identity. The film moves fluidly between various timelines and locations, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. The plot centers around a dying man who reflects on his life and the different stages of his personal history, while also exploring the broader historical and cultural context of Soviet Russia. The Mirror is characterized by Tarkovsky's signature visual style, which combines breathtaking cinematography, surreal imagery, and a deeply poetic and meditative tone. The movie is a haunting and enigmatic masterpiece that explores some of the most profound questions of human existence, and has been widely praised for its beauty, complexity, and emotional depth. It is a must-see for fans of Tarkovsky, arthouse cinema, and visual poetry.

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The Mirror