HYPSEUSHexagram 22 - GraceΥΨΕΝΣ

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The Practice of the Wild

The Practice of the Wild

Written by Gary Snyder in 1990

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"Practice of the Wild" is a collection of essays written by Gary Snyder, a celebrated American poet and environmental activist. The book explores Snyder's thoughts on nature, wilderness, and the spiritual connection between humans and the natural world. Through his reflections on topics such as ecology, Buddhism, and indigenous cultures, Snyder invites readers to reconsider their relationship with the environment and the impact they have on the world around them.

In this collection, Snyder argues that the modern world's disconnection from nature has resulted in a loss of meaning and purpose in our lives. He encourages the readers to rediscover the power of wildness and the ways in which we can tap into the spiritual energy of the natural world. Snyder's writing is rich in imagery and ideas, and his insights are both thought-provoking and deeply personal.

Overall, "Practice of the Wild" is a powerful and lyrical meditation on the importance of nature and the ways in which we can nurture a deeper connection to the world around us. Whether you're an environmentalist, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, this book is sure to offer new perspectives and insights.

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The Practice of the Wild