VALIS is a science-fiction novel by Philip K. Dick that explores the nature of reality, identity, and mental illness. The story follows the character Horselover Fat, who may or may not be a version of the author himself, as he experiences a series of strange and mind-bending encounters that blur the line between reality and fiction. The novel is heavily influenced by Dick's own experiences of mental illness and his interest in Gnosticism, a philosophy that posits that the material world is a flawed illusion created by an imperfect god. Throughout the book, Dick weaves together elements of science fiction, philosophy, and autobiography to create a complex and deeply personal exploration of the human mind and its relationship to the world. VALIS is a challenging and thought-provoking read that will appeal to fans of science fiction, philosophy, and experimental literature. It has become a cult classic of the genre and is widely regarded as one of Philip K. Dick's most ambitious and visionary works.
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